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Thursday, October 11, 2012

WOW!!!i totally forget i have a blog until someone reminded me!!!anw this blog is dead larh,just being curious so i posted!!

should i keep this blog alive again??

2:39 AM

Friday, October 30, 2009

yeah!!Holiday liao!!
today is the last day of school haix..miss
my classmates a lot next year not all together
liao I MISS our class 2/8!!! first period sit
there day dream until the lesson over then second
period pe went down to parade square then actually
playing volley ball but in the end play captains ball
play until like siao lor we all cause it is the last day
we can play together.play until very tired then everyone
not playing liao then they sit in circle and play games
but i never play with them cause very tired no energy
liao keep running and jumping around after that recess
stay in class wanted to sleep but cannot sleep after recess
is history also day dream then mr low come say we very
quiet then he ask me again do i have a sister in this school haix..
he ask me 2 times liao sia tell him don have liao my sister i
donnoe meh still need make sure?? after that he ask me my
name don wan tell him:P then he say he will go e-blaze check,
wan check give him check lor keep wanting to find out i have sister
in this school anot!then last period teacher give out report books
saw my result think ok lor after that stay back cause wh and chanel
need to go find mdm soh after that went back home sian sia holiday
still need go back school for dance and 6th november can get our
streaming result liao haix..scared sia i scared never go to the class
i wan i don wan go physics class.okay till here liao
good luck to everyone and

10:03 PM

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

know all the result liao drop a lot sia
first is mt think ok lor not so bad
then el paper wa make me very
very sad only just pass so not
so happy after that recess
after recess math,mdm soh
say coz a lot of ppl cannot do
finish the paper 1 so they
change it to 42 marks only
yeah!!then i happy liao cause
at least can get 70 then science
teacher give me 1.5 more marks
but i still not happy with the marks
then mrs sim explain the paper then
i never listen at there sleep after that
cct wanted to sleep but the class is so
noisy cannot sleep but very tired after
that went to eat with pinyi and shuwei
after that train back home anw i want to
thanks sarsi for helping me think of way
to let me forget the sad things thank you!!
ans also

7:27 PM

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

HAIX....today get back result liao
first is lit but ok not very sad with
my result coz nvr thought of getting
this mark then art also ok coz art not
important wan so not sad but then
after that is science after knowing my
result feel so sad feel like crying sia get
damn less mark de lor only wrong words
minus so many marks liao haix...feel so
desperate after knowing science marks no
hope liao arh then recess after recess is
math also ok larh but i want higher marks
coz not wat i want so feel a little sad but
science make me more sad then math
after that history the teacher math fail
isit count so many ppl wrong marks
he count wrongly mine too can get 3 more
marks but still not good enough i think then
after that assembly forget bring tie totally
forget today got assembly liao then left it at
home ask keli help me lent tie thanks for
helping me after that went straight back home
anw today is a sad sad day for me:(
HOPE can go to the class i wanted but think no
hope liao larh!!

6:57 PM

Friday, October 16, 2009

yeah!!finally exam over liao
I'll be back to post liao(:
firstly i can say that all the
test is so damn difficult
especially math and science
i hate it larh!!haix like this
how to go good class when i
think that all my subject is damn
lousy,now can relax and play all
day com liao but then when
result come out then happy liao
lor!!today wake up then play com
after that eat liao then help my mum
bake things after that play com again
coz nothing to do later at night still
need to go cousin house i lazy sia
nothing to say liao will stop here
post again next time

5:49 PM


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