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Monday, July 27, 2009

went to sh house at around 10
start doing history project until
1.30 like that then went to lot 1 to eat
after that came back and continue to do
the project actually can finish by that day
but because we paint then destroy the whole
thing so need to buy a new paper and do it
again went home at around 8.30
wake up then take bus to lot 1 at around
11.30 then went to popular to buy paper then
went to shiok huey house,start doing our project
again then around 1 went out to eat after that back
to do our project start painting the stupid map
after that do some research,around 6.30 nasirah
came to shiok huey house too do finish our project
then help her with some of her project then went
home at around 8.15 with wh wait for bus for quite
long then walk back home on the way home wa!!the
street super dark lor very scary rush very fast back home
reach home online then do dandt research then went to bed
dandt-at air-con room damn cold la
py,me and eudice all very cold keep
swtiching the air-con temperature but still
cold in the end find out is the fan cold
nt the air-con
recess-help shuwei group colour there singapore flag
colour until super ugly must say sry to them
math-do corrrection for class assigment
wa lao still donnoe how do lor
mt-do test super difficult lor gt a lot of words
donnoe the meaning then still very less time cannot finish
all,haix..recently writing very slow liao last time evrytime can
finish now cannot liao
math(it)-went to com lab do math quiz then went back class
to do corrections
history-sit in our group to finish the project but already
finish all liao,stupid teacher say mon must hand in
then we keep rushing now he give us more time then see
our project,keep asking us add this add that,later still
take away how add thing??
until here liao byebye

6:41 PM

Friday, July 24, 2009

hello everyone i'm back to post again
today nothing much happen
lit-do test on esay writing actually going to watch frankeinstein but in the end no time so never watch it
pe-went out of sch to run,practice for next friday cross country ran from sch to teckwhye primary then ran back again,starting never intend to run but the miss toh or wat pe teacher keep saying if we have energy to talk then we have energy to run then say if we don run she wan step our feet then run a little after that walk back but only run a little distance,haix so tiring
everytime after running will have headache then never play games
recess-stay at classroom and do history hw but in the end he never collect it waste my time and ink
history-normal lesson
mt-listen to teacher teaching after that watch a short video then listen to yeehui keep singing then at that time head very pain so keep lying down wanted to sleep but scared she scold evrytime anyhow scold wan so never sleep only lie down on table after that because still gt a little headache and leg damn pain so never went to dance

9:42 PM

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sorry for nt posting for so long
now i'm back to post liao
wake up at around 9.30 then watch
tv then play com chat with sarsi
and then do el quiz on e -learning
with susu and get 18/20 after that do
help sarsi with the quiz then she also get
18/20 then keep on chatting with her
after that off com awhile cause later
mum scold liao then mum went out with
dad,then on com secretly then chat with
sarsi again,haha when i'm bored will
chat with her then when down to buy things
then come up chat again(:
until here liao byebye!!

5:14 PM


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