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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

today first lesson PE wa lao!
so sian need to run again the teacher still
say not running is only playing games
then later the game is catching wa also
running wat then later he angry then ask us run
around the field 3 rounds sian...
then went up for science then the mrs sim
say wat we are late for 15 min then stand outside
then at there say is our fault we never tell the teacher
she go tell them herself la then still say she is
not blaming us,she don know wat is blame isit
then later do science test wa lao so difficult
donnoe how to do a lot of question die liao
sure fail wan!! then late for assembly
only about a few seconds before 2-7 then
the teacher say we late lor then ask us to say back
lor it is all mdm soh fault give wat exit card
then still say try to be early next time
if she don give exit card then we will not
be late liao ma,then why don during math lesson we
study at the hall then we are the first to reach liao
lor then we will not consider as late!!

10:14 PM

Monday, March 30, 2009

Hello really very long time no post liao
nothing to post,today nothing much happen
math wa so sian also donnoe wat Mdm Soh is talking
donnoe how to teach wan keep asking us to do a lot
of examples then also never teach keep asking us to find out
our self,actually ask us to do in class assignment then later
say do on fool scape then after finishing the chapter '
she ask us do in class assignment,wa she hor lao ren chi dai lei!!
after recess home econ,went down at around 10.42 like this
still haven late then the miss sally say we late,crazy is she early lor
then need to stand so long for punishment CRAZY!!
then cook chocolate muffins,quite nice wan the cake the
most tasty wan among all .went back to class then
Mr Greg ask us to do computer lab to do the quiz
then after that is mt we went back class then many
of us started eating the muffins,then liang lao shi
came then everyone stop eating and she start her
lesson sian need to do zou wen again!!until here bye!!

3:23 PM

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

1.Beside your lips,where is ur favourite spot to get kiss?
2.How do you feel when you woke up this morning?
Ans:i still feel like going back to sleep
3.who was the last person you take photo with?
Ans:Donnoe, forgot already
4.Would you consider to be spoiled?
Ans :NO
5.Would you ever donate blood?
Ans:Maybe yes
6.Have you have a good friend of an opposite sex?
Ans:Nope,i think
7.Do you want someone dead?
8.What does your last text msg say?
Ans:when u leaving u sms me
9.What are you thinking of right now?
Ans: How to answer the next question
10.Did you wish someone to be with you right now?
11.when did you go to sleep last night?
Ans:11.30 or later,not sure
12.Where did you buy ur t-shirt that you are wearing now?
Ans:Its free, it is my shirt during primary school
13.Is someone in your mind right now?
Ans:Ya,many of my friends
14.Who was the last person you text with?
Ans:I think is pin yi
15.People tagged to do this quiz?
4.Mei jiuen(:
10.anyone who wan to do(:

3:30 PM


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